how to know a toxic friendship

Matt Stoo
7 min readMar 22, 2020


A toxic relationship is one that runs down your emotional and physical energy ( Bеіng Emоtіоnаllу Hеаlthу is important). it’s characterized by constant negativity, criticism, and codependence. These relationships are often with anyone: your parents, family, partner, boss, work colleagues, or friends. you must learn to identify toxic relationships in your life. you don’t want to stay during a relationship that’s draining your energy and making you are feeling bad about yourself.

1.Evaluating your feeling

1-See how you are feeling round the person.

Toxic relationships tend to empty your energy. you’ll feel nervous being around someone if you’re in an exceedingly toxic relationship, as you’re constantly stressed about setting them off.
Are you usually anxious during this person’s presence? you’ll desire you would like to run on eggshells to keep up stability. A toxic person becomes angry or emotional easily.
Do you enjoy spending time with this person? you’ll end up dreading get togethers with this person. may be you’ll feel like you have to psych yourself up for a get-together.

2-Consider whether you are feeling controlled or isolated.

this is often especially important if you’re during a romantic relationship. Toxic romantic relationships often involve tons of control and isolation.
Your partner may neglect your requests or make decisions for you. you’ll desire your partner has a “my way or the highway” mentality. It may be little things, like insisting on choosing restaurants, or larger things, like dictating how you spend some time. A romantic partner may, for instance, pressure you into abandoning certain hobbies and interests.
You may also feel isolated during a romantic relationship. Your partner may insist you simply spend time with him or her. He or she may attempt to keep you from forming relationships with others or spending time together with your family. for instance, your romantic partner may say he or she dislikes a particular group of friends, and discourage you from hanging out with them.

3-Ask yourself whether you enjoy good moments.

during a toxic relationship, good times can become increasingly difficult to enjoy. As each day may be a challenge, you’re always scared of an emotional outburst or argument.
For example, you and your boyfriend visit brunch with friends. While he’s difficult and moody when preparing, he’s pleasant at the restaurant. Everyone seems to be having an honest conversation and enjoying themselves.
However, you discover you can’t quite enjoy the instant. you’ll worry about what is going to happen once you get home. Will your partner be touchy about something you said? you furthermore may worry the great moment won’t last long. Your boyfriend is that the type to urge angry quickly, and you’re worried a small indiscretion may set him off and ruin a great time.

4-Think about your self-esteem.

Toxic relationships can cause you to feel bad about yourself. once you interact with this person, do you leave things feeling bad about yourself?
You may feel bad or ashamed about yourself plenty. A toxic person may put you down for little errors and indiscretions.
After spending time with this person, you’ll feel drained and sad. The person could also be very critical of you and your behavior. you’ll have lingering negative feelings about yourself after spending time with the person.

5-Consider whether you are feeling happy in your relationship.

When trying to see if you’re in an exceedingly toxic relationship, it should be helpful to look at what a positive relationship should be like. attempt to determine if your relationship has any of those elements. If it lacks them, then it’s likely that you simply are in a toxic relationship. in an exceedingly good relationship, you ought to feel:
Valued, loved, and cared about.
Comfortable trusting them and being vulnerable, like by sharing secrets.
Appreciated for who you’re , not just what you are doing or provide.
Free to communicate honestly and voice your true opinions.

2.Considering the other Person’s Behavior

1-Consider what proportion of blame is placed on you.

during a toxic relationship, plenty of blame is placed on you. the other party’s behavior is rarely his or her fault.
The other person could also be very manipulative. He or she may always blame bad behaviors on you. He or she may say things like, “You make me jealous and that I can’t control myself.” the other person can also say you’re “too sensitive” or that you simply “need to relax .”
For instance, you stay out late with friends and your girlfriend berates you for hours once you get home. Later, once you explain she hurt your feelings, she doesn’t apologize. Instead, she says, “You know I have been cheated on within the past. I can not help that I buy jealous easily, and you do not pay enough attention to me. If you spent longer with me, I would not be as jealous.”

2-Think about whether you’re treated with contempt.

Toxic people are unable to manage conflict effectively. While nobody conducts themselves perfectly in an exceedingly relationship, a toxic person will treat your indiscretions with undeserved contempt. does one desire this person is especially insulting or biting with you? If so, you’ll be in a very toxic relationship.
Contempt may be a highly destructive sort of criticism. rather than merely saying, “Your behavior upset me,” a toxic person will tear you apart. during a toxic relationship, you’ll be ridiculed or insulted for certain behaviors.
For example, you’re late going to your boyfriend’s house after work as you had coffee with a co-worker. Your boyfriend may respond with an excellent deal of contempt. He may say things like, “You’re unbelievably careless” or “You haven’t any respect on behalf of me or others.” While being late are often rude sometimes , this level of contempt is uncalled for.

3-Consider whether the person ever stonewalls you.

during a toxic relationship, conflict isn’t treated healthily. A toxic person may stonewall you. this suggests he or she is going to simply ignore you when angry or upset.
Stonewalling are often within the sort of physical neglect, the silent treatment, or leaving without saying anything.
For instance, your boyfriend wants you to cuddle with him within the mid-afternoon. You’re busy with work, and tell him “No.” He leaves the house abruptly and doesn’t return your texts or calls throughout the day. this is often a sort of stonewalling.

4-Evaluate the person’s sense of responsibility.

Toxic people are unable to require responsibility for love or money, including their own actions and feelings. If you face up a toxic person about his or her behavior, he or she is going to become defensive and make excuses.
In a toxic relationship, bad behavior is never acknowledged. the opposite person may say things like, “I don’t think I did anything wrong.” He or she can also make an excuse instead of offering an apology.
In a toxic relationship, you’re made liable for another person’s behavior and feelings. A toxic person can’t acknowledge that he or she controls his or her own behavior.

5-Watch for signs of an abusive relationship.

Many of the signs of a toxic relationship are often abusive. Sometimes it may be difficult to identify abuse once you are within the midst of it, but there are some ways to inform .
If you think that you simply are being abused emotionally, verbally, or in other ways, then ask someone about it and obtain help to urge out of the relationship.

6-Dealing with Toxic People

Seek the assistance of a therapist. If you’re in a very toxic relationship, then you’ll face some challenging situations as you’re employed to urge out of the relationship. A therapist can assist you to navigate these challenges. Choose a therapist in your area who has experience helping people with these sorts of relationships.

7-Assert yourself.

it’s important to make your voice heard. you are doing not want to let a toxic person walk all over you. within the moment, assert yourself to avoid being pushed around.
When a nasty behavior arises, tell the person how you are feeling. Use “I”-statements, which reduce blame. State how you are feeling, the behavior that results in that feeling, and why you are feeling the way you are doing.
For example, your boyfriend yells at you for returning a text a couple of hours late as you were out with a friend. When he starts to scream, say, “It makes me feel isolated once you guilt me for spending time with others because I want a social life for my emotional well being and that I feel you do not respect that.”

8-End the relationship, if necessary.

Toxic relationships often don’t change over time. Toxic people often fail to acknowledge their detrimental behavior. If a relationship is continually draining, end it.
Be honest with yourself. does one actually like spending time with this person? does one feel drained around this person? does one actually like this person?
You can face up the person directly or send an email or text. Use your words carefully. you’ll be assertive without being aggressive.
If a relationship isn’t actually benefitting you, you ought to end it. you must surround yourself with positive people that genuinely care about you.

9-Surround yourself with positive people.

this will help counteract the results of a toxic relationship. If you’ve got a toxic relationship you cannot escape, like one along with your boss, this is often especially important.
Hang out with people that build you up. If you are feeling energized and good about yourself when you’re around a particular friend, spend time with him or her.
Do not waste some time with people that aren’t nice to you. You need to be around positive people that treat you with respect.

10-Keep busy.

If you’ve just ended a toxic relationship, this will help. you ought to have tons of hobbies that keep you from ruminating over the relationship.
Do stuff you enjoy. If you like movies, make some extent of watching a movie nightly . If you wish to read, stop by a bookstore and obtain a couple of new books.
Engage in hobbies. you can try taking over a new hobby, like knitting, so as to stay busy.

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